Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Tips berhemat

Tips Berhemat

Ketika kita mempunyai keinginan yang menurut kita sangat sulit untuk dipenuhi secara finansial seperti membeli laptop baru, beli gitar baru, atau membeli kamera digital yang canggih dan asesorisnya atau memodifikasi motor, atau me-make over kamar karena sudah jenuh atau hobi-hobi lain yang butuh dana extra untuk menggapainya padahal kita secara finansial belum mampu untuk membelinya maka salah satu solusinya adalah dengan berhemat dan menabung untuk dapat memenuhinya. Tetapi merubah kebiasaan yang dulunya boros, atau suka jajan atau apalah sebutannya tentunya tidak mudah. Terkadang kita tidak mampu untuk merubah kebiasaan- kebiasaan boros ini sehingga kegiatan berhemat kita hanya berlangsung singkat dalam hitungan minggu atau bahkan hitungan hari. Berikut ini tips yang bisa saya share untuk anda agar berhemat menjadi efektif dan berkelanjutan :

  • Tanamkan niat yang keras untuk berhemat.
Banyak orang yang mencoba berhemat tetapi di tengah jalan menyerah gara-gara tidak menanamkan niat yang kuat dan keras. Ini pernah saya alami ketika saya pada beberapa waktu lalu ingin membeli HP baru yang ber OS Android. Pada waktu itu harganya adalah sekitar 2 jutaan, bagi saya itu harga ang cukup tinggi karena background orang tua saya yang hanya pensiunan dan saya juga masih kuliah di semester awal. Ya saya punya niat untuk berhemat saya sisihkan beberapa ribu rupiah tiap hari dari uang saku saya dan saat itu sudah terkumpul sekitar 800 ribu. Pada waktu itu saya yakin 1 bulan lagi jika saya bisa hemat seperti pada minggu2 awal saya bisa membeli hp tersebut. Tetapi karena niat saya tidak kuat dan lingkungan juga ada pengaruh negatif akhirnya saya mengurangi jumlah uang saku yang saya sisihkan. Pada awalnya sehari saya sisihkan 3-5 ribu per hari tapi kini Cuma 1,2 ribu yang saya sisihkan karena untuk membeli rokok, atau buat nongkrong-nongkrong ga jelas, atau makan di luar rumah padahal di rumah lauknya ga kalah sama yang diluar. Pada akhirnya uang yang sudah terkumpul ke ambil juga untuk acara nongkrong-nongkrong, main ke mall, atau kegiatan lain yang ga jelas Sampe akhirnya ludes.

  • Belilah celengan yang susah dibuka.
Sekarang ini banyak sekali berbagai jenis celengan yang tersedia di pasaran. Ada yang berbentuk boneka yang mudah untuk dibuka, atau berbentuk rumah yang ada gembok dan kuncinya atau bentuk lainnya.saya sarankan jangan membeli celengan semacam ini. Membeli celengan yang susah dibuka memperkecil peluang anda untuk mengambil kembali uang yang anda kumpulkan di celengan.

Loh katanya tips behemat tapi kog suruh beli sih? Namanya bukan tips berhemat dong? Mungkin pertanyaan ini yang terbersit di pikiran kalian ketika membaca tips yang kedua ini. Ada alasan mengapa saya sarankan untuk membeli tempat penyimpanan uang ini. Lalu apa alasannya? Alasannya adalah ketika anda membeli tempat menyinpan uang ini anda akan istilah jawanya Eman-eman atau sayang untuk membukanya. jadi ketika anda sewaktu-waktu ingin ngambil uang yang anda masukan ke celengan ini anda akan sayang untuk memecah celengan atau merusak celengan anda ini karena celengan ini tidak anda dapatkan secara gratis. Tetapi anda harus terapkan kembali tips yang pertama tadi karena sesusah apapun celengan yang anda punya akan mudah sekali di buka ketika niat anda berhemat goyah karena keinginan untuk membeli sesuatu.

  • Kurangi intensitas kegiatan yang tidak terlalu penting di luar rumah
Mengurangi intensitas kegiatan yang tidak terlalu penting di luar rumah dapat membantu anda berhemat. karena ketika anda berada di luar rumah misal nongkrong kampus setelah kuliah anda akan terpacu untuk jajan atau sekedar membeli rokok di katin karena pengaruh teman.

Sebisa mungkin tolak ajakan untuk pergi ke mall. Karena ketika anda berada di mall ada begitu banyak godaan untuk berbelanja atau sekedar jajan. Puluhan outlet pakaian, asesoris, makanan, minuman dengan tampilan yang menggoda membuat anda yang tadinya hanya ingin nongkrong atau hanya mengantar teman atau pacar menjadi ikutan membeli atau sekedar jajan. Dan harga apapun di mall biasanya lebih mahal dari harga di luar.

nongkrong di angkringan juga dapat menyebabkan anda boros karena suasana angkringan yang nyaman membuat anda betah di sana dan ketika terlalu lama nongkrong di sana lama- lama pasti anda akan lapar atau haus dan makanan atau minuman bahkan rokok sudah tersedia disana tinggal pesan atau bisa ambil sendiri. ketika anda membayar tak terasa berapa banyak rupiah yang anda habiskan walaupun harga di angkringan tidak terlalu mahal.

  • Jangan mengunci diri di rumah.
Loh katanya tadi disuruh ngurangin kegiatan di luar rumah?
ngurangi kegiatan di luar rumah bukan berarti mengunci diri di rumah atau ga pergi kemanapun. Ketika anda di rumah terlalu lama anda pasti merasa jenuh walaupun di rumah ada hiburan seperti tv,dvd, radio, laptop, home teater dll. Kejenuhan ini memicu anda untuk mencari hiburan bagaimanapun caranya supaya bisa terhibur dan inilah yang menyebabkan niat anda goyah anda mungkin ingin kembali nongkrong-nongrong tidak jelas, jajan, belanja yang tidak penting dsb.  Untuk mengatasi kejenuhan ini anda bisa melakukan kegiatan di luar rumah yang tentunya tidak mengeluarkan biaya atau memerlukan biaya yang sangat sedikit  sehingga anda bisa hemat tanpa menyiksa diri. Saya sarankan anda untuk :
1.      Olahraga dengan teman seperti lari-lari, bersepeda, sepak bola atau hanya sekedar jalan sehat di sekitar kompleks.
2.      pergi ke kegiatan yang positiv tetapi gratis seperti ke pengajian ( muslim) atau kegiatan keagamaan bagi yang non muslim lain. Why not? Anda bisa sekaligus berhemat, mengurangi kejenuhan, sekaligus dapet bekal di akhirat nanti.
3.      sosialisasi dengan tetangga. Ya mungkin anda tidak tertarik untuk tips yang 1 ini tapi setidaknya cobalah siapa tau tetangga anda punya sesuatu yang positif untuk anda. Dan tetangga adalah keluarga terdekat kita ketika ada musibah tentunya tetangga yang nolong kita pertama kali. Maka baik-baiklah dengan tetanggamu. Jika kita baik dengan tetangga tetangga juga akan baik dengan kita atau setidaknya tidak jahat kepada kita . hahaha
cukup untuk sekarang jika ada tips lagi saya bagi lagi . jangan lupa komen ya.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

lagu MARS AREMA Plagiat.

lagu Mars Arema yang dinyanyikan oleh sebuah band bernama Can A Rock ini kalu anda bandingkan dengan lagu We're not gonna take it milik Twisted sister maka akan terdengar sangat mirip hanya berbeda lirik dan sedikit aransemen di akhir!!..

monggo di cek !!
ini lagu mars arema :

mars arema

dan bandingkanlah dengan lagu ini:
twisted sister - We're not gonna take it.

tidak ada maksud apa apa saya cuma membeberkan fakta supaya indonesia tidak lagi di penuhi dengan band band dan lagu lagu JIPLAKAN.

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Metal ballads,

Metal memang selalu identik dengan distorsi, scream, growl dan mengakat tema tema yang tak lazim diangkat dalam musik musik mainstream, seperti tema kematian, kebencian, siksaan, satanisme, kekerasan, dan sebagainya. bagi sebagian orang musik metal dianggap sebagai musik yang kurang valid, tidak enak didengar, artikulasinya tidak jelas dan berbagai pandangan negatif lainnya. tetapi disamping pandangan pandangan miring tentang musik metal tersebut ada beberapa band atau musisi metal yang lagunya begitu catchy, easy listening, dan sangat enak untuk didengarkan.diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut

Manowar - Heart of steel

Dragon Force - Dawn over a new world

X japan - Tears

Bullet For My Valentine - The last fight

Slipknot - Snuff

Hammerfall - Always will be

Bullet For My Valentine - Heart Burst Into Fire

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Drama assignment The proposal

Rosyid Arifin
The proposal

Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov
 70 years old man and a landowner.

Natalya Stepanovna
 25 years old woman , Chubukov’s daughter. She is an excellent house keeper, not bad-looking, and well-educated.

Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov
 35 years old, Chubukov’s neighbor. A large and hearty but very suspicious landowner.

The setting of place in this drama is in Chubukov’s house.
The setting of time is in the evening.

Vassiliyitch Ivan Lomov, Stepan Stepanovitch neighbor Chubukov long time, has come to propose marriage to the daughter of Chubukov's 25th anniversary, Natalia. After he had asked for and received permission to marry Natalia fun, he was invited into the room, and he tried to convey to the proposal. Lomov is a hypochondriac, and, when trying to make clear the reason being there, he entered into argument with Natalia about The Meadows Cow, a piece of land disputes between their respective properties, which resulted in him having "heart palpitations" and numbness in his legs . After his father's notice they argue, he joined, and then sends Ivan out of the house. While rants about Lomov Stepan, he expressed surprise that "this stupid dare to make you (Natalia) a marriage proposal!" This news he soon began to become hysterical, begging his father to take him back. He, and Natalia and Ivan went into a second major argument, this time about the advantages of each hunting dog, Otkatai and Ugadi. Ivan collapsed from exhaustion in the above debate, and the father and son feared he was dead. However, after a few minutes he regained consciousness, and Tschubukov all but forced him and his daughter to accept the proposal with a kiss. Immediately after the kiss, the couple got into another argument.

The conclusion is a relationship between man and society. It appears when the Lomov visits to Chubukov’s house and want to propose Natalya. Chubukov’s attitude to Lomov is kind and polite; it can be called a good neighbor. From the story, we can take message, if we want to make a good neighborhood; we have to be nice and do not fight to each other.

Drama assigenment Zoo Story

Rosyid Arifin

Drama Assignment
1. The intention meaning from the author of the title “The Zoo Story”:

            The Zoo Story by Edward Albee details what happens when one character enters the life of another character and quickly changes it forever. In the play, Jerry confronts Peter while he sits quietly reading on a bench in Central Park; through a quick series of events, Jerry forces Peter into helping him kill himself. Layered throughout this short one-act play are three overriding themes: absurdity versus reality, alienation and loneliness, and wealth and poverty. The Zoo Story has been considered as being a play of the theatre of absurd or nothing happened. The absurd lies also in the title because “The Zoo Story” is a story which is not told; the title refers to the theme of the play. From my point of view Albee is still concerned that a way out exists. In his plays he pursues the aim to change the society. This aim is embodied in Jerry and due to that fact the play could not only be considered as being absurd but also naturalistic. So Albee namely title of his work was for potrayed the naturalistic which is related with the society.

2. The Character of The Zoo Story:
Jerry is an aggressive, seedy, erratic loner, friendly. It can know by this story which is Jerry is a first person who is looking for conversation partner and Peter a man in his forties who sits on a bench and enjoys his idle period while reading a book. Jerry announces that he has been to the (Central Park) Zoo and eventually gets Peter, who clearly would rather be left alone, to put down his book and actually enter into a conversation.
            Peter is a calm, polite and also ashamed person. It can found in when Jerry starts to ask Peter questions and although it is obvious that Peter is not interested in communicating with a man like Jerry, Peter answers because of his politeness. And when Jerry also talks about taboo themes that were not normally, he tells Peter about his homosexual experience he had when he was 15. Peter is ashamed because in his environment they usually do not speak about homosexuality.

3. The message of The Zoo Story:
From that story,  we can take some moral value which is what he wants to say is that whatever we do has an impact on others, on our society and on ourselves. It is very important to become aware of this fact. Problem awareness is always the first step towards a solution. If we want to maintain social peace we will have to overcome the isolation and also the class divide. Communication provides information and is essential to enable us to understand each other. Being well-informed is the enemy of prejudice and thus can avoid discrimination and non-acceptance and create tolerance. We must learn to accept different lifestyles and hopefully we are also able to show solidarity with the weaker members of our society. The Zoo Story was able to present the essentials of the play and have succeeded in answering the question whether “The Zoo Story” could be seen as a cross-section of today’s society. From the fact on playwrights make an important contribution to help make the world a better place to live in as they make us aware of our problems.
4. Theme of The Zoo Story:
Albee details what happens when one character enters the life of another character and quickly changes it forever which is related with human and society. "The Zoo Story” is a confrontation between middle-class America and the outcasts of society. On this playwright throughout this short one-act play are three overriding themes absurdity versus reality, alienation and loneliness, and wealth and poverty that was covered with classical style on his literary works and was portrayed in each conflict.

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

tugas drama

Name : Rosyid Arifin
NIM  : A320 080 57
Drama Assignment

Death of a Salesman
By Arthur Miller

1.      The title of this story is Death of a Salesman because it concern on three points. First, Willy Loman’s physical death. He is a salesman who dies. That one is clear.enough Second, it’s about the death of his salesman dream, the dream to be financially successful and a father to hotshot sons. And the third, it tells about Willy’s idealized way of dying; he wants a massive funeral with everyone weeping and beating their chests and so forth. The gap between the idea of a typical "salesman’s death" and Willy’s actual death makes this title sadly ironic.

2.      There are some characters in this story:
The first character is Willy Loman. He is an unconfident, self-deluded traveling salesman. He believes enthusiastically in the American Dream of easy success and wealth, but he never achieves it. Nor do his sons fulfill his hope that they will succeed where he has failed.
The second character is Biff Loman. He is Willy’s elder son aged 34 years old. Biff feels forced to seek the truth of himself.
The third character is Linda Loman. She is Willy’s loyal, loving wife. Linda suffers through Willy’s extravagant dreams and self-delusions. seldom, she seems to be taken in by Willy’s self-deluded hopes for future glory and success, but at other times, she seems far more realistic and less fragile than her husband. She has nurtured the family through all of Willy’s misguided attempts at success, and her emotional strength and perseverance support Willy until his collapse.
The fourth character is Happy Loman. She is Willy’s thirty two years old younger son. Happy has lived in Biff’s shadow all of his life, but he compensates by nurturing his persistent sex drive and professional ambition. Happy represents Willy’s sense of self-importance, ambition, and blind servitude to societal expectations. Although he works as an assistant to an assistant buyer in a department store, Happy presents himself as absolutely important.
The fifth character is Charley. Miller portrays Charley as ambiguously gendered or effeminate, much like Tires as, the mythological seer in Sophocles’ Oedipus plays. Whereas Linda’s logical diagnosis of Willy’s rapid decline is made possible by her emotional sanity, Charley’s prediction of the situation is logical, grounded firmly in practical reasoned analysis.
The other characters are Bernard, he is Charley’s son and an important, successful lawyer; Ben, he is Willy’s wealthy older brother, The Woman, she is Willy’s mistress when Happy and Biff were in high school; Howard Wagner, he is Willy’s boss; Stanley, he is a waiter at Frank’s Chop House; Miss Forsythe and Letta, they are two young women whom Happy and Biff meet at Frank’s Chop House; and the last is Jenny, she is Charley’s secretary.
3.      The reader of Death of a Salesman can get moral values if they read this story. Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, there are many lessons and trials one must tolerate, learn from, and then overcome. Some lessons take long to understand and ironically, some people never learn these lessons. Many people go through their whole lives without ever discovering what is truly important to them and their family and what is real happiness. In Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman portrays this very man; one who is lost in his own world, without a clue about life or himself.

4.      After read the story, we can conclude that this story include in man vs. society because it tells that any man can have as great a fall and be as great a tragedy as a king or some other famous person.  Just because people are common does not mean that their falls are to them less steep.  Also one must find oneself to be successful in life.

5.      The story started from Willy Loman, an old salesman, have a business trip. After those times, Willy passes a moment of enlightenment and realizes he shouldn’t be driving. Linda sees that her husband is no longer able to do his job as a traveling salesman; Linda suggests that he ask his boss, Howard, to give him a local office job at the New York headquarters. Willy thinks that getting the new job is a sure thing since he wrongly sees himself as a valuable salesman. We begin to learn some family background and hear about Willy and Linda’s grown sons, Biff and Happy. Biff has just returned home from working as a farmhand in the West. Willy thinks Biff could easily be rich and successful, but is wasting his talents and needs to get on track. Willy thinks Biff is being wish-washy to spite him. Later that night, Willy starts having flashbacks and talking to imagined images if they were real people. You guessed it. Something is wrong. He’s angry so loudly that Happy and Biff wake up. The brothers are legitimately worried, as they have never seen their father like this. Biff, feeling as though he should stay close to home and fix his relationship with his dad, decides to talk to a former employer, Bill Oliver, about getting a loan to start a business. In the middle of the night, Willy’s talking to himself so loudly that everyone wakes up. Linda admits to her sons that she and Willy are struggling financially. Worse, Willy has been attempting suicide. She’s worried and takes it out on her boys, accusing Biff of being the cause of Willy’s unhappiness. Now Willy gets in on the family discussion and the situation goes downhill. He and Biff begin to argue, but Happy interjects that Biff plans to see Oliver the following morning. Willy is overjoyed. Everyone goes to sleep believing that tomorrow will fulfill their dreams: Willy expects to get a local job, and Biff expects to get a business loan. The next day, of course, everything goes wrong. Willy feels happy and confident as he meets with his boss, Howard. But rather than give him a transfer to the New York office, Willy ends up fired. Destroyed by the news, he begins to hallucinate and, yes, once again speak with imaginary people as he heads out to meet his sons at a restaurant. Waiting for their dad at the restaurant, Biff explains to Happy that Oliver wouldn’t see him and didn’t have the slightest idea who he was. Distressed, spiteful, and something of a kleptomaniac, Biff stole Oliver’s fountain pen. By now, Biff has realized that he was crazy to think he would ever get a loan, and that he and his family have been lying to themselves for basically their entire lives. When Willy comes into the restaurant demanding good news, Biff struggles to explain what happened without letting his father down. Willy, who can’t handle the disappointment, tries to pretend it isn’t true. He starts drifting into the dreamy past again, reliving the moment when Biff discovered his (Willy’s) affair with a woman in Boston. While their dad is busy being detached from reality, Biff and Happy ditch him for two girls. Biff and Happy return home from their dates to find their mother waiting for them, fuming mad that they left their father at the restaurant. A massive argument erupts. No one wants to listen to Biff, but he manages to get the point across that he can’t live up to his dad’s unrealistic expectations and is basically just a failure. He’s the only one who sees that they’ve been living a lie, and he tells them so. The night’s fight ends with Willy realizing that Biff, although a "failure," seems to really love him. Unfortunately Willy can’t get past the "failure" bit. He thinks the greatest contribution that he himself can make toward his son’s success is to commit suicide. That way, Biff could use the life insurance money to start a business. Within a few minutes, there’s a loud crash. Willy has killed himself. In the final scene, Linda, sobbing, still under the delusion that her husband was a well liked salesman, wonders why no one came to his funeral. Biff continues to see through his family’s lies and wants to be a better man who is honest with himself. Unfortunately, Happy wants to be just like his dad.