Minggu, 10 April 2011


NAME : Rosyid arifin
NIM : A 320 080 157
Drama Assignment


  1. The is title “the lesson”, because it takes place in a classroom when a lesson was taught by a professor. The message that implied in the play is everything that happened in human’s life is lesson.

  1. The summary of the play:
The play took place in dining room of a small French house and the office . The setting of the time is at june 1950. the caracters are : The Professor, an old man about 50 to 60 years old, is expecting a new Pupil (aged 18) and the Professor's Maid, a strong woman about 40 to 50 years old. she is always worrying about the Professor's health. As the lesson happening, the Professor becomes angrier with the Pupil's ignorance and the Pupil becomes more silent and meek. At the end of the play, the Pupil is murdered by the Professor, after a long bout of non sequiturs (which are frequently used in Ionesco's plays). The play ends as a new Pupil is greeted by the Maid.

  1. The themes of the play:
Satirizes totalitarianism in education, society, politics, language, psychology, and sexuality.

  1. The characters in the play are; the first is “professor” an elderly man of about 50 to 60 that really ambitious to give lesson to the people, has a manner that becomes completely stifling and controlling when he was teaching. The second character is “maid” a stout, red-faced woman of about 40 to 50, who is always worrying about the Professor’s health. The last is “pupil” aged 18, ignorance about the lesson, more quiet and meek.

  1. The play gives us message about the control of powers, in the story the professor who has an authority to control all of thing include the pupil but it should be done with his responsibility as well his title as a “Professor”, he shouldn’t be killed the student when they can’t verbalize what he said.